
From Tap Dancing To Jumping For Joy

The JoyMaker Experience

Step into a realm where joy is the guiding light, where connections flourish, and empowerment thrives. With the JoyMaker Experience just around the corner, get ready for a transformative journey towards renewed joy, connection, cohesion, and empowerment.

Meet Christine Denny, affectionately known as The Joy Maker. For her, spreading happiness, support, collaboration, and pride in workplaces and communities is not just a passion but a calling. Recognising the pervasive sense of burnout and stress in today's corporate sector, Christine is determined to inject workplaces with a fresh dose of positivity and connection.

"I've seen too many workplaces struggling with burnout and disconnection," Christine explains.

"I believe that culture and connection are key to unlocking the full potential of any team."

As a former resident of Mackay, Christine holds a special connection to the area and is thrilled to bring The Joy Maker Experience back to her hometown. Having made a name for herself as a tap dance specialist and the creator of the national Tap Dance Curriculum, Tapatak Oz, Christine is no stranger to choreographing a captivating show. However, with a growing concern for the rising rates of depression, anxiety, burnout, and overwhelm across Australia, Christine has shifted her focus to her latest passion project, The Joy Maker Experience. Returning to Mackay with this transformative initiative, Christine is determined to spread happiness, support, and empowerment throughout her community and beyond.

Through the JoyMaker Experience, Christine offers a unique blend of creativity and empowerment, providing teams with the rest, realignment, and rejuvenation they need to thrive.

"Your staff need a little rest, realignment, and rejuvenation to optimise their creativity," she emphasises.

"And connectivity, imagination, and creativity are paramount for your employees and managers to get the lift they need to refill their tanks and perform."

Drawing from her thirty-five years of experience mentoring teachers and students in the arts, Christine brings her expertise to a broader audience, spreading the positive power of joy-making far and wide, with these intimate one-day retreats, open to all!

Recent testimonials attest to the effectiveness of Christine's approach. Peter Ferreira, a professional facilitator, praises Christine's energy, enthusiasm, and ability to connect with her audience.

"All I can say is that Christine and her Joy Maker Experience exceeded all my expectations," he said. "Her energy, enthusiasm, creativity, and ability to connect with the audience was outstanding."

Participants at the Cecchetti Ballet Conference share their experiences of emotional release and pride in their work after engaging with the JoyMaker Experience.

"An interesting roller-coaster of emotions," reflects Rebecca. "I didn't realise I was holding onto so much."

Shona also expressed gratitude for the opportunity to reflect and feel proud of her achievements. "The Joy Maker Experience was so refreshing. It gave me time to reflect and feel proud of what I do."

In this empowering one-day seminar, attendees will embark on a life-changing journey, guided by experiential activities designed to unlock their full potential and foster personal growth. From uncovering their unique set of values and guiding principles to learning how to align their lives with these core beliefs, participants will gain invaluable insights into living a purpose-driven life.

If you can’t make it to the Mackay presentation, Christine can bring the JoyMaker Experience to your organisation, aiming to make a tangible difference in cohesion, creativity, culture, and overall joy.

"As The Joy Maker, I'm dedicated to spreading happiness and empowerment wherever I go," Christine affirms.

"Let's make joy our reality!"


The JoyMaker Experience

When: Sunday July 14

Where: The Ocean International


For information email: